Scandinavias leading pump supplier

About E.M.S.

Akvarell E.M.S. International AB
Since it all began in 1985, E.M.S. has been developing and manufacturing water pumps and accessories for such pumps. Our first sales company, E.M.S. Teknikk AS, was opened in Tønsberg, Norway in 1989. 1991, a few years later, saw the opening of the Swedish sales company, E.M.S. Teknik AB, in Åhus. Oy Suomen E.M.S. Tekniikka Ab, situated in Lohja, Finland, came into being the following year. The E.M.S. business concept involves making everything quick and easy for our customers. Our products should be of top quality and sold at reasonable prices, and we should deliver them to you in the time promised.

Warehouse Capacity
We maintain stocks of all our products for immediate delivery.

Price guarantee
Moreover, we offer a price guarantee that means that if you are offered a lower price for a product comparable with a product from E.M.S., we will charge you the lower price for our product as long as we find that the terms are the same.

Technical support
E.M.S. pump engineers are available to provide technical support between 06:00 and 21:00, 365 days a year. In other words, you can reach us 15 hours a day, seven days a week.

E.M.S. products are of top quality, but things can sometimes happen that might make you want to make a claim against your warranty. We rectify problems quickly and efficiently in such instances. Our warranty covers two years of normal use of our products.